Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Waiting Game

You ever have one of those moments where things don't go the way you plan? Well I think I just had one of those realizations a few days ago.

My wife and I are completely excited and sold out on mission work overseas and that being what we do with our lives...or so i thought.

::::enter my realization::::

I don't know if many people read this, actually I kind of doubt anyone really reads this. I dont think anyone really knows about it. Anyways...one thing that we (Liz and I) had planned on doing in our future was going overseas to live our lives.

I had thought that we had found a place where God had wanted us. When we first found it and thought/prayed about it, we were both excited about it. Now, i'm not completely sure where she's at with it. I know that she is still completely sold on overseas mission work, but just not where I had thought that God was leading us to.

So now here we are, still looking/waiting/praying for God to let us know what He wants us to do. For all I know, it could be doing Youth Ministry in the States for the rest of our lives.

As for right now...Liz and I know that where we are right now, is where we're supposed to be.

So now, we wait...who knows...it could be where we first thought.

The waiting game...oh boy...


Justin Richards said...

Haha I read your blogs :). Am praying for you guys in this, I suppose at lease you realise that mission can be across the world or down your own street...the whole world is pretty much 'the field'. Yeah you never know where God will lead you, believe me. I still can't believe I ended up in the UK instead of some 3rd world country or Jamaica or wherever, but I know the need is here just as much as anywhere else and who knows if its a temporary thing or a long-term thing for me, I suppose the same goes for you! It's funny how God works, but He 'knows the plans He has for you' to quote the familiar scripture. I know God will use you and Liz in amazing ways whether its in Kenya, Europe, Japan, or Mesa AZ.

RETHYNK.org said...

I read you blog too... well, I just started.

Ryan Guard said...

I'm read this too... more than Nick does.