Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Call From God

Before I get into this story, I have to tell a pre-story. Last Sunday was my last Sunday at The Rock Eternal. There are a ton of great people there. It was hard knowing that we probably won't see some of those people for awhile if ever. When Liz and I got home, in my head and for the past week, I started to question whether our decision was the right decision or not. Whether or not God was really telling us that this is what He wants from us. That's pretty hard to think about right now, since my wife is pregnant and finances are going to be a lot harder than they already were.

So...about two days ago today, I was at Wal-mart shopping for a few things for my pregnant wife. I was at the self check out checking out when my phone rings. wasn't God. It was a Pastor from a church in Nevada. He started asking me questions about myself and I was completely taken off guard. I had no idea he was calling.

After I got off the phone with him, I started thinking about that phone call. That phone call, really meant a lot for me. The Pastor was saying that he thinks I should keep pursuing this position, which was great for me to hear because I was already questioning if what we did was right. I took that phone call as a phone call from God saying that we were doing the right thing.

I couldn't do anything else, but thank God for that encouragment. I have no idea what I'm doing with these interviews and all that good stuff, but I do know that God is behind us...

...and that's enough for me.


Sydney said...

Haha, oh wow. That's great.

Jennifer Rochelle said...

wow, steve! i found your blog, and let me just say that wow! it's been such a long time since i've seen/talked to you! i had no idea liz was pregnant... or that you were leaving RE! you two are amazing people, and i'm so excited that God has given you the ability to share His Word with the rest of the world... and not just Arizona! i'll be praying for you! hope to talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

Good Stuff! Hey I'm going to add you to my blog.